WATCH: Another Devastating Anti-Kamala Ad Comes Out

Pennsylvania Republican Senate Candidate Dave McCormick recently attacked his Democratic opponent, Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA), by releasing a devastating anti-Kamala Harris ad.  Vice President Harris has faced heightened scrutiny before the election as she assumed the part’s presumptive nominee status amid Joe Biden dropping out of the race.

The advertisement follows Casey endorsing Harris in her presidential bid as the “best person” to lead the party and defeat former President Donald Trump in November.  The ad highlights a number of issues with Harris, such as how she was rated as the most liberal senator and she touted ending the filibuster to pass the radical Green New Deal.

“With women’s rights, workers’ rights, and voting rights on the line, the stakes of this election for Pennsylvania and the Nation couldn’t be higher.  Vice President Harris has been leading on those fights and as a former prosecutor, she will draw a clear contrast between herself and former President Trump. She is prepared to be Commander-in-Chief and is the best person to meet this moment. I’m proud to endorse her candidacy for President,” Case said in his endorsement.

enforcement, where she suggested that it was “wrongheaded thinking” to assume that “the only way” for communities “to be safe is to put more police officers on the street.”  Harris has also faced backlash for previously supporting a bail fund for violent Black Lives Matter rioters who had been arrested.

The video then displayed a June 2020 headline: “Sen. Kamala Harris applauds LA mayor’s decision to slash police funding.” Another hotly contested piece of Kamal Harris’s rhetoric the video showcased was her anti-Second Amendment agenda, where she said, “We have to have a buyback program, and I support a mandatory buyback program.”

The American Tribune reported on other troubling news regarding Vice President Harris, where the conservative legal organization America First Legal launched an investigation into her past roles as a prosecutor and attorney general in California.  The inquiry will examine a number of damning allegations brought against Harris.

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