My Avaricious Father-in-Law Placed a Hair in a Costly Meal to Avoid Paying, but Instant Karma Struck Him

Frank had always prided himself on his sneaky tactics to get freebies, but his luck ran out at a high-end restaurant. What began as a simple meal turned into a public spectacle when karma finally caught up with him, teaching him a lesson he never saw coming.

My father-in-law, Frank, has always been one of those people who never miss an opportunity to scam others for their own benefit.

I’ve witnessed him do that multiple times, but I never thought I’d see the day when his tricks would backfire so spectacularly, leaving him red-faced and scrambling for an exit.

I’ve known Frank for about nine years now. I first met him when Ethan and I started dating, and Ethan introduced us over dinner at a restaurant. That was the first time I saw Frank trying to scam a restaurant.

The waiters served our food, and we began eating. I ordered pasta, Ethan got a sandwich, and Frank ordered a bowl of rice with sesame chicken.

“The chicken is so delicious!” Frank said, enjoying his meal.

“Yeah, even this sandwich tastes great,” Ethan added.

I thought Frank was just appreciating the restaurant’s food and service. But no. Frank had something else in mind, and what he did next caught me completely off guard.

“Let me show you how to get more of the same meal for free!” he said before calling a waiter over to our table.

“How can I help you, sir?” the waiter asked politely.

“This chicken tastes awful!” Frank said angrily, shaking his head in disapproval. “I can’t believe you’re serving such tasteless meals. The flavor is bland, and it’s not even properly cooked.”

“I’m so sorry, sir,” the waiter apologized. “I’ll get a replacement right away.”

“Hurry up!” Frank snapped. “I don’t have time to waste here. You better return with something that’s properly cooked!”

The waiter looked panicked, apologizing as if he was at fault. He took away the half-eaten meal that Frank pretended to dislike, promising to return in five minutes.

Once the waiter left, Frank flashed us an evil smile like he had pulled off something impressive.

At that point, I wanted to ask Frank why he lied to get another meal for free. It wasn’t like he didn’t have money, or he was dying of hunger.

What he did was so cheap, but I believed I was not in a position to make him realize how wrong he was.

Later that night, I asked Ethan why his father did that.

“He’s always been like this,” Ethan sighed. “He thinks it’s funny and he never listens when we tell him it’s wrong. We’ve tried a million times, trust me.”

“But didn’t you see how hurt that waiter was? He really thought your dad didn’t like the food,” I protested. “This is so wrong, Ethan. So unfair.”

Ethan told me to let it go, and since we were just starting our relationship, I figured it wasn’t worth arguing over.

I could’ve pressed Ethan to understand how wrong Frank’s actions were, but I didn’t want something so minor to strain our relationship.

However, looking back, I wish I had told Ethan to put an end to his dad’s habit.

The following year, Ethan and I tied the knot, and since then, I’ve been a witness to how cheap Frank is. I’ve watched in horror as he pulled stunts to get free food, free services in hotels, and free ANYTHING, ANYWHERE!

During the first year of our marriage, I tried explaining to Ethan how wrong his father’s behavior was, but it led to a big argument. Ethan kept saying he had no control over Frank, while I insisted he at least talk to his dad about it.

That night, I decided to stop meddling in Frank’s business because it was useless. Little did I know, karma was about to step in and teach Frank a lesson he’d never forget.

It all started when Frank called Ethan last weekend.

“There’s a new restaurant near my workplace,” he said. “I was wondering if you and Bella could join me. I’ve heard the food’s quite expensive so I just wanna see if it’s worth the money.”

“Sure, Dad,” Ethan replied. “We’ll be there.”

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