My Stepson Mistreats My Children and Clutters Our House, While My Husband Remains Quiet – I Instilled Some Manners in Him

A family summer visit turned chaotic when Lisa’s once-polite stepson, Jake, transformed into a rebellious teen, creating turmoil in their household. The final straw came when Lisa discovered money missing from her wallet, pushing her to take drastic action.

It was a sunny day in mid-June when Jake, my stepson, arrived. I’m Lisa, a woman in my mid-40s, married to Mark. We have two children together, 8-year-old Emma and 6-year-old Noah. Mark has another son, Jake, from his first marriage.

Jake, now 16, visited every few years. He used to be sweet and polite, but this summer felt different. I hoped it was just teenage angst.

“Hi, Jake! How was the trip?” I greeted him warmly.

“Fine,” Jake mumbled, barely making eye contact.

Mark hugged his son. “Great to see you, buddy!”

Emma and Noah ran up to Jake. “Hi, Jake! We missed you!” Emma said with a bright smile.

Jake shrugged. “Yeah, hey.”

I noticed Jake’s disinterest but chose to stay optimistic. I wanted this summer to be special.

A week into Jake’s stay, I noticed a change. He was no longer the polite boy I remembered.

“Mom, Jake won’t let us play in the living room,” Noah complained.

Emma added, “He’s always on his phone or with his friends.”

I sighed. “I’ll talk to him.”

“Jake, can you keep it down? Your siblings need to sleep,” I said one night.

Jake rolled his eyes. “Whatever.”

The next morning, the living room was a mess. Empty pizza boxes, soda cans, and crumbs were everywhere.

“Jake, clean up your mess,” I demanded.

“Why should I? It’s not my house,” Jake snapped back.

It was late afternoon, and the sun was casting a warm glow through the kitchen windows as I finished tidying up the counters. Emma and Noah were supposed to be playing in the backyard. I hadn’t heard them for a while, so I decided to check on them. As I walked past Jake’s room, I heard Emma’s voice.

“Why do I have to do this?” she asked, her voice small and tired.

Curious and concerned, I pushed open Jake’s bedroom door gently and peeked inside. What I saw made my blood boil. Emma, my sweet 8-year-old daughter, was on her hands and knees, picking up dirty clothes and trash from Jake’s floor.

The room was a disaster zone. Clothes was strewn everywhere, empty snack wrappers, and a lingering smell of sweat and old pizza. Jake was lounging on his bed, scrolling through his phone without a care in the world. He barely looked up when I entered.

“Emma, what are you doing?” I asked, trying to keep my voice calm.

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