My MIL Gifted Me a Set of Rules Titled ‘How to Be a Good Wife for My Son’ for Our Wedding, While My Husband Got a Check…

You imagine marriage as stepping into a dream—an exciting new chapter with the love of your life. But for me, that dream quickly turned into a nightmare when I was handed a list of rules on how to be a “good wife.” And that’s when my journey to revenge began.

Growing up, I always believed marriage would be about partnership, love, and respect. I pictured Sunday mornings in bed, laughing over shared secrets, creating a life built on mutual understanding. But life has a funny way of shattering those fantasies.

Dan and I had just gotten married. The wedding was perfect—small, intimate, and everything I had envisioned. For a while, it felt like a fairy tale. Dan was kind, funny, and supportive, and I truly believed we were aligned on how we wanted to live our lives. That was until his mother, Karen, handed me a “special” gift after the ceremony.

I remember standing in our living room, still glowing from the wedding, when Karen approached me, her smile tight.

“This is for you, Lucia. A little something to guide you in your new role,” she said, handing me an ornate box.

Inside was a neatly folded piece of paper. At the top, in bold letters, were the words: How to Be a Good Wife for My Son.

At first, I thought it was a joke. Maybe Karen was poking fun at old stereotypes. But as I read the list, my smile faded. It was a detailed guide on how I was expected to behave as Dan’s wife.

I glanced at Dan, hoping he’d be as horrified as I was. But he was busy opening his own gift—a fat check from Karen. Me? I got a rulebook.

Later that evening, Dan casually brought up the rules. “You saw the list, right? It’s just how marriage is supposed to work.”

I stared at him, waiting for him to laugh, to tell me it was all ridiculous. But he didn’t.

“Wait, you’re serious?” I asked, disbelief creeping into my voice.

He shrugged. “It’s just what Mom thinks is important. Marriage is different from dating.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I bit my tongue, holding back the retorts boiling inside me. Was this really what Dan expected from me now?

That night, as Dan slept, I read the list again, my anger growing with every line. The rules weren’t just old-fashioned—they were downright demeaning. A few gems included:

  • Wake up at 6 a.m., fully dressed with makeup on, and cook Dan a hot breakfast. Remember: no veggies, no butter, just plain eggs and toast on a blue plate because the green one ruins his appetite.
  • Grocery shopping is your responsibility. A man shouldn’t be bothered with such tasks. Carry the bags yourself—it’s unladylike to ask for help.
  • After dinner, ensure the kitchen is spotless before Dan even leaves the dining room. No mess should be visible to him.
  • Always dress conservatively when Dan’s friends are over. You wouldn’t want them to get the wrong impression.

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