My Friend Removed Me from His Wedding – His Reason Left Me Speechless

My wife and I were stunned when we were kicked out of my friend’s wedding for ordering pizza after the buffet ran out of food. Little did we know, our drunken idea would spark a whirlwind of drama that would leave us questioning our actions and friendships.

My wife and I were excited about my friend Tom’s wedding. It was a small, intimate event with about 70 guests, mostly family. The atmosphere was joyful, and everyone seemed genuinely happy to be there.

“Look at the decorations,” my wife said, smiling. “They did a great job, didn’t they?”

“Yeah, it’s beautiful,” I replied. “Tom and Linda look so happy.”

We found our seats at a table with some friendly folks. We introduced ourselves and started chatting.

“Hi, I’m Mike, and this is my wife, Sarah,” I said to the couple next to us.

“Nice to meet you! I’m Jane, and this is my husband, Bob,” the woman said with a warm smile.

The ceremony was lovely. Tom and Linda exchanged vows, and there were tears of joy all around. Afterward, we returned to our seats, ready to celebrate.

The open bar was a hit. Everyone was mingling, drinks in hand, and laughter filled the room. The waiters placed two bottles of wine on each table, along with bread and butter.

“This wine is fantastic,” Bob said, pouring himself another glass. “Have you tried it, Mike?”

“Not yet, but I will,” I replied, reaching for my glass.

Soon, the buffet was announced. The emcee explained that tables would be called up a few at a time, starting with family.

“That makes sense,” Sarah said. “Family first.”

We watched as the first few tables were called. The buffet looked incredible, with a variety of dishes. However, I noticed something concerning.

“Those plates are piled high,” I whispered to Sarah. “I hope there’s enough for everyone.”

“Yeah, me too,” she replied, frowning.

Time passed, and more tables were called. Family members returned for seconds, their plates even fuller than before. My stomach grumbled as we waited.

“Finally!” I said when our table was called.

But when we reached the buffet, it was almost empty. We managed to scrape together a few scraps and returned to our seats, feeling disappointed.

“This is all that’s left?” Jane asked, looking at her nearly empty plate.

“Afraid so,” I said. “I can’t believe they ran out of food.”

Everyone at our table was visibly upset. The mood had shifted from joy to frustration.

“This is ridiculous!” Bob said. “I’m still hungry.”

“Me too,” Sarah added. “What are we supposed to do now?”

We sat there, picking at our meager portions. The conversations around us became hushed and tense.

“Someone should have planned better,” Jane muttered. “This is a wedding, for goodness’ sake.”

Tom, the groom, walked over with a concerned look on his face.

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