Hostile Neighbors Construct Barrier Along Property Boundary, Awaken to Sounds of a Bulldozer

The Johnson family had just moved into a new neighborhood. After their neighbors, the Summers family, threw them a welcoming party, a long-lasting dispute began because of their shared lawn. However, outside adversaries would eventually force them to band together for the greater good.

The Summers family – John, his wife, Judy, and ten-year-old son, Tommy – watched curiously from their porch as the new neighbors moved their furniture into the house next door.

“The old Daniels’ house has finally been sold, huh?” Judy said, casually sipping a cup of tea.

“Yeah…looks like it,” John replied.

“Well, we can hire a surveyor to pinpoint the exact location of the boundary line and then share the cost of relocating the wall, if necessary,” Danny proposed.

John looked at the ruined wall he had recently built. He remembers how wonderful the barbecue had started out and how all their neighbors had rallied again to protect their homes. He remembered how excited his wife and son were to find friends in the Johnson family. And then, he finally had an epiphany.

“I think I may have a better idea. Just please be patient and give me a little time, okay?” John said calmly.

“Alright, John,” Danny replied, and they shook on it.

The next day, Danny was awakened by what sounded like construction unfolding outside again. He immediately rushed outside to see John working on something.

“What are you doing? I offered to solve everything peacefully and fairly!” Danny snapped.

“I know, Danny. Please be patient,” John said calmly.

“Patient?! There’s no getting through to you! I don’t have time for this right now, but you’ll hear from me after work!” Danny snapped, rushing back home. John sighed deeply, then continued working, an unbothered smile consuming his gaze.

At the end of the day, Danny returned home from work and saw a playground on the lawn from John’s side, where Tommy and Kevin were swinging jovially. Danny’s side of the lawn looked awkwardly empty beside the laughter-filled playground on the other side.

“Looks like you really did have a better idea,” a surprised Danny said, approaching John.

“I told you. Just be patient,” John said with a warm smile.

“Daddy! Look! Tommy’s dad built a playground!” Kevin said, elated.

“I see, my boy. You boys enjoying yourselves?” Danny asked.

“Yeah!” Tommy and Kevin exclaimed.

“Great stuff!” Danny said to the boys before turning back to John. “Truce?” Danny said, holding out his hand.

“Truce,” John replied. They shook hands and watched their children play.

From that day, the two families agreed to share the lawn space. Danny and John even became good friends. Danny and John built a huge gazebo on Danny’s side of the lawn, where they would host barbecues and parties for the whole community. Judy and Cindy also agreed to make a small flower garden with the remaining space.

What can we learn from this story?

You need to be able to get along with your neighbors because you never know what might happen. If John and Danny had continued to fight each other, they would not have been able to handle the threat from Mr. Cooper.
Learn to prioritize what really matters and put your ego aside. John and Danny had to learn to put their egos aside and think about their families and homes. Once they set their differences aside, they were even able to forge a friendship out of the whole situation.

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