Mother Pressures Daughter to Leave Her Husband, Then Daughter Catches Them Together on a Date

Adele’s mother constantly urged her to get rid of her jobless husband, and although she didn’t want to, Adele was starting to grow weary, too. After a fight, they separated, only for Adele to discover him holding hands with another woman – her mother – a week later.

Adele walked into a restaurant to meet her mother, Linda. But at the table, Adele saw a nice-looking man. She understood Linda’s game right away.

Her mother stood up, her face beaming. “Darling, you’re here!”

Adele sat and hesitated a second before asking, “Mom, who is this?”

When Adele returned home, she knew she had two choices: break down or purge everything. She chose the latter. She threw all Lucas’s belongings while listening to great music, signed up for a new gym and nutritionist, and adopted a new hairstyle. Despite the pain of the betrayal, the next few months of her life were incredible.

But one day, the doorbell rang. On her doorstep stood her mother, tears streaming down her face. Adele’s heart skipped a beat, and all the feelings she had purged came rushing back.

“Why are you here?” Adele wondered, her tone careful.

“Oh, darling, I’m so sorry…” she sobbed. “I am the worst mother in the world.”

Compassion settled in Adele’s heart, and she let Linda inside. “Can you tell me what happened?” Adele asked. Instead of explaining, Linda pulled a book from her bag and handed it over.

Adele glanced at the cover, her eyes widening as she recognized the author’s name – Lucas’s new book. “What does this mean?” she asked, confused.

“That scoundrel… He used me, Adele. You have to read it,” Linda said, her voice breaking, struggling to hold back more tears.

Adele opened Lucas’s book and began to read, her eyes scanning the pages quickly but attentively. Linda waited, her quiet sobs ebbing.

Lucas had crafted a character – a woman – a mirror image of betrayal and deceit. This character was depicted as a woman who ruthlessly tore apart her own family, manipulating her daughter in pursuit of a scandalous affair with a younger man.

Adele’s heart sank as she put the pieces together. The character in Lucas’s book – it was a thinly veiled description of Linda.

Her mother, now somewhat calmer, looked at Adele with sorrowful eyes. “I believed him, Adele. I’m so sorry.”

Adele let out a long, deep sigh, her chest heavy. All she could do was hug her mother. “We both fell for it. I suggest you read his words and purge them from your life,” she said into her mother’s shoulder.

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