Grandmother Sets Marriage Deadline for Granddaughter by Her 70th Birthday or She’s Excluded from Will

Sophie was enjoying a pleasant evening with her family at her grandmother Evelyn’s house when Evelyn made an unexpected announcement. With a firm tone and a sparkle in her eye, Evelyn declared that Sophie had to marry by her 70th birthday, just a month away, or she would be cut out of Evelyn’s will.

Evelyn, a vibrant woman known for her pink clothes and energetic personality, commanded attention as she gathered her relatives. “Sophie,” she began, fixing her granddaughter with a piercing gaze, “you’ve dedicated your life to your career, but you’ve neglected our family’s values. To inherit anything, you must be married by the time I turn 70.”

Sophie’s face turned pale, and the room fell silent. “Grandma, you can’t be serious!” she protested. Evelyn’s expression remained resolute. “I am serious, Sophie. Family traditions matter, and I won’t pass my legacy to someone who disregards them.”

Stung by Evelyn’s ultimatum, Sophie stormed out, slamming the door behind her. She spent the night crying in her car, feeling the weight of her grandmother’s harsh demand.

Determined to meet the deadline, Sophie threw herself into the dating scene. She set up profiles on dating sites, attended speed dating events, and went on blind dates arranged by friends. Her experiences ranged from bizarre to disappointing. One date, Jason, passionately discussed conspiracy theories, while another, Peter, was obsessed with his collection of exotic reptiles. Each attempt left Sophie more frustrated and disillusioned.

At work, Sophie confided in Steven, her assistant, and asked him to pretend to be her boyfriend for a week. She promised to pay him for his trouble. Despite initial hesitation, Steven agreed, recognizing Sophie’s distress. They spent time together, getting to know each other and trying to make their charade convincing. A weekend getaway to Steven’s cousin’s lake house provided them with a more relaxed environment, where they shared laughter and personal stories.

During their time at the lake house, Sophie and Steven’s interactions became more genuine. Sophie realized she enjoyed Steven’s company far beyond their initial agreement. Yet, as the week progressed, her anxiety about the impending deadline overshadowed her growing feelings.

When they returned to Evelyn’s house for the birthday party, Steven was charming and engaged with the guests. However, Sophie’s demeanor remained cold and distant. Evelyn, perceptive as ever, sensed the tension and took Sophie aside to inquire about the situation. Sophie’s attempt to reassure Evelyn with false promises only heightened her grandmother’s suspicions.

Later that evening, Steven, having overheard the conversation, left the party quietly, his demeanor subdued. Sophie, feeling regretful, learned the next day that Steven had resigned from his job.

In a heartfelt conversation, Steven explained his decision, expressing his disappointment and resignation. Sophie was left alone with her regrets and the realization of her true feelings for Steven.

On the morning of Evelyn’s birthday party, Sophie dressed with care, reflecting on the past weeks. At the party, she approached Steven, apologizing sincerely for her behavior and admitting her genuine feelings for him. Steven, touched by her honesty, forgave her and revealed his own feelings.

Evelyn, observing the scene, was pleased to see her granddaughter come to terms with what truly mattered. She assured Sophie that the inheritance was hers, not as a reward for meeting a deadline, but because she had learned an important lesson about personal connections.

As the evening unfolded with laughter and celebration, Evelyn watched with satisfaction. Her unconventional method had ultimately led Sophie to reassess her priorities and embrace a future where relationships held more significance than professional achievements.

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