Wedding Boutique Worker Shamed Me for Being Pregnant — Karma Got Her in Less than 10 Minutes

Anna’s excitement about her wedding took a sharp turn when she encountered Martha, a boutique worker who made a hurtful comment about her pregnancy. Anna, beaming in a beautiful white gown, felt like a princess as she imagined her wedding day. But Martha’s remark shattered her joy.

“Are you sure that’s the right choice?” Martha’s tone was dismissive as she scrutinized Anna. “A white dress? For someone in your condition? How unconventional.”

Confused and hurt, Anna asked for clarification. Martha’s cold response was, “White is for pure brides, not for those already… in your situation.” She continued, “We don’t usually cater to shotgun weddings. None of these dresses will fit that… condition of yours.”

Stunned and humiliated, Anna struggled to contain her tears. Martha’s cruel comments left her feeling exposed. “I’m sorry,” Anna whispered, trying to escape. “I’ll just…”

Martha’s final remark was biting: “Don’t bother trying on more dresses. We don’t have anything for you. Try not to get knocked up on your way out.”

As Anna fled, Mr. Taylor, the store owner, appeared. His authoritative presence was a stark contrast to Martha’s condescension. “What’s going on?” he demanded.

Martha’s confidence faltered. “Mr. Taylor, I didn’t realize—”

Mr. Taylor’s anger was palpable. “You said that to her? My wife was pregnant at our wedding and wore a beautiful white dress. How dare you judge this woman for celebrating her love and her child?”

Martha, realizing her mistake, mumbled an apology. Mr. Taylor turned to Anna with empathy. “I’m so sorry. This isn’t how we treat our customers. Let me make this right.”

Touched by his sincerity, Anna accepted his offer. “Thank you,” she said, feeling the sting of Martha’s words slowly easing.

Mr. Taylor offered her a discount on any dress. Anna found a new gown that made her feel radiant. When she walked down the aisle on her wedding day, Mark’s tearful admiration reinforced her confidence. She was a glowing bride, celebrated for both her love and her child.

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