My Hypocrite SIL Copies My Hair, Hobbies, and Clothes – I Wrapped Her Around My Finger at a Friend’s Wedding

Hey everyone! Have you ever felt like someone’s mirroring your every move? That’s been my life with my sister-in-law, Olivia.

When I married Jack, his ex, Olivia, ended up marrying his brother. Awkward, right? But what really bugged me was that Olivia seemed determined to imitate me. From my hairstyles to my hobbies and even my cooking, she mimicked everything I did. It felt like I was setting trends while she was just a follower.

For example, when I started yoga, Olivia was at the studio the next week. I wore a red dress to a party, and there she was, sporting the exact same color. It felt like she had a secret camera on me. She even copied my new shoes!

The tipping point came when I posted a photo of my homemade Carbonara on Instagram. Hours later, Olivia’s feed featured a dish that looked suspiciously similar. At first, I tried to ignore it, but her constant copying was becoming infuriating.

Things reached a boiling point when I overheard Olivia complaining to a friend. “I’m so tired of Amy copying me. She knows Jack loved me before her, so she’s trying to be the same,” Olivia said. The audacity! Now I was the copycat?

Determined to handle this with strategy rather than confrontation, I devised a plan. A friend’s wedding was coming up, and Olivia, as usual, was obsessing over my every move—what salon I was going to, what dress I’d wear, even my hairstyle.

I decided to have a little fun. The day before the wedding, I posted a photo on Instagram with dramatically different hair—short and dyed black. Little did Olivia know, it was just a wig!

When I showed up at the wedding, Olivia nearly choked on her champagne. “What did you do to your hair?” she shrieked. I pretended innocence, saying, “Oh, I just did a photo shoot to see how I’d look with short hair. But it looks like you’ve had a similar transformation!”

I pulled out my phone, showing her the wig. The shock on her face was priceless. She had clearly fallen for my trap.

But I didn’t stop there. I took it to the next level with a series of fake changes on social media. First, I posted a photo with a pixie cut—thanks to Photoshop, of course. Olivia didn’t disappoint; the next day, she posted a picture of her own disastrous attempt at a pixie cut. It looked like a toddler had taken scissors to her hair. The comment section was a mix of confusion and laughter.

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